Credit Points

  • The CAS-​programme is a 12-months part-time program
  • The program comprises 15 ECTS credit points, which corresponds roughly to an expected workload of about 420 hours
  • The program currently has two intakes: Start in Fall term (most common) or start in Spring term. 

Upon successful graduation participants receive a Certificate of Advanced Studies ETH in Entrepreneurial Leadership in Technology Ventures

Course Assessments

In order to graduate, all blocks will need to be passed successfully, typically within 11-12 months. the final length will depend on your personal scheduling of the final business project report. Prolongations will need to be approved by the program leadership.

  • Block I (7 ECTS) - Core Knowledge: Takes place in blended format, i.e. partly through self-study of online materials and partly in the class room through joint discussions and workshops. That means, participants will need to prepare for each module. Module leaders can determine specific preparation assignments prior to class. Active attendance and discussion during on-campus sesssions for each module are required to successfully pass a module. Furthermore, there is typically a course assignment in form of a case report or reflection essay that is evaluated for the passing of the course.
  • Block II (4 ECTS) - Business Project: Requires active participation in all coaching and mentoring sessions and progress against self-set project goals. This block closes with a final project defense that determins the successful passing of this CAS element.
  • Block III (2 ECTS) - Leadership Development: Requires active participation in all coaching and mentoring sessions. Both classes (terms) close with a reflection essay.
  • Block IV (2 ECTS) - Study Trip: Requires full and active attendance by the course participants.


While we typically communicate achievement percentages in the individual modules, final grading follows a pass/fail structure, i.e. at the end the certificate will only state your passing status, not the achieved grade. 

Typically, our modules follow a strict participation and attendance policy in order to pass, and your business project will need to be defended in front of a jury (commonly through a pitch but alternatively also via a poster or presentation, depending on agreement with the program leadership).

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