Online Learning Platform
All CAS students will have access to learning materials on our innovative online learning platform INSENDI. This dedicated technical platform support all your interaction with the learning material, the submission of assignments, and feedback from faculty.
Key Benefits
- World-class online learning delivery of engaging contents that enhance the learning experience and acquisition of long-term knowledge and competencies
- Platform enables peer- and cohort-based interaction, which facilitates and stimulates learning engagement and motivation
- A learning platform allows CAS participants to study when it fits their time, at the speed they prefer, independent of any judgment
- Simplifies and optimizes interaction and communication between students and lecturer team: feel connected without feeling supervised
Key Features
Learning Design
We partnered with professional learning designers at external page Insendi to help design and package the learning contents for each of our online modules. That means, we are using a mix of professionally edited videos, links to online texts or podcasts, quizzes and other interactive learning modes to help you prepare the foundational content for each of our modules.
Platform Design
The INSENDI learning platform has first been developed at Imperial College Business School, London (UK) to support the online learing programs at executive levels. Design and features are specifically targeted to modern learning methods.
The platform is now used in leading business schools across Europe and we are the first program at ETH Zurich that has designed its program completely around online learning and a special platform.
Platform Preview
The Insendi learning platform offers an easy overview and access to the different modules of the CAS program. Each block/module provides access to important information, learning materials and communications around the particular module. The user-friendly design fits contemporary design philosphies and allows for easy navigation.
Each module is structured around core topics relevant to the overall module theme. Each topic is then separated into individual consequetive learning sequences that build on each other and come with different learning goals that holistically contribute to the understanding and mastery of the core topic.
Learning sequences are designed around different learning tools and interaction mechanisms with the student, for example: e.g., video clips, readings, podcasts, interactive whiteboards, quizzes, etc.

Polls and quizzes encourage interaction and active contemplation by the student. You are also able to compare responses against your fellow cohort members.

Embedded video, either produced by the lecturers or sources from publically available sources to illustrate key contents and messages.

Links to podcasts and readings or other materials enable students to acquire knowledge from various sources.

Wordclouds and shared sticky notes allow students to reflect upon contents, to share their opinions with their fellow class mates and build on each other.