Cohort & Peer Learning
The CAS ELTV starts twice a year and aims to create a tight-nit cohort experience between all its participants. While your business project may lead you through long patches of solo efforts, all our modules contain dedicated elements to foster community and shared learing:
- The knowledge modules and study trip bring togther the entire cohort and the online learning platform encourages you to interact and share insights with your fellow cohort members. You will learn as much from the lecturer team as also from each other.
- The business coaching included a number of exchange sessions within your project trajectory that allows you to offer and received poductive feedback from your peers, in addition to the feedback you get from your coach.
- The leadership development session take place in groups that stay together for the entire CAS year, sharing into your challenges and victories along the road.
Our motto is, community is important for aspiring entrepreneurial leaders!
Key Benefits
- Benefit from the wisdom of the crowd: Lecturers and coaches have no monopoly on important knowledge. Acquire insights and pointers to intellectually enriching content from experienced cohort participants
- Solve thorny problems through peer creativity: Your peers might offer exactly the right ingenuity to solve issues you find insurmountable. Also, it is sometimes easier to understand and accept feedback if it comes from people you respect and see struggling with comparable challenges
- Broaden and intensify your network: Part of continued education is always to get to know interesting people and tap into network relationships that otherwise would be closed to you. Our cohort allows for building new interesting network ties and potentially even acquire new talent or even co-conspirators for your undertaking